Archived NewslettersChristmasMissionsOutreachParent Ministry Make Christmas Sparkle! How can I make Christmas sparkle? The tinsel, lights, and twinkling stars won’t do it! I make Christmas sparkle by…cgpkidsDecember 16, 2015
Archived NewslettersChristmasMissionsOutreachParent Ministry Christmas is for Kids! "Some children see Him lily white, The baby Jesus born this night, Some children see Him lily white, With tresses…cgpkidsDecember 7, 2015
Archived NewslettersChristmasMissionsOutreachParent Ministry Celebrating Christmas With Kids! Christmas! The whole earth stops its busy pace to celebrate the birth of God's Son, Jesus Christ. Why was Jesus…cgpkidsDecember 4, 2015
Archived NewslettersMissionsOutreachService Kids Having God’s Heart For The World It started as a 9 year old girl’s dream---to build an orphanage in the impoverished nation of Haiti. A jar…cgpkidsJune 19, 2015