BlogsMissionsService Mission Minded Kids As a mom of two daughters and a children’s pastor, I wish I could tell you that my children developed…cgpkidsApril 1, 2019
Archived NewslettersMissions Special Ministry Events Each year at my church, we host a fall festival for the community. I am always amazed by the fact…cgpkidsOctober 12, 2016
Archived NewslettersMissionsOutreach Bring Them In: Developing a Van or Bus Ministry in Your Local Church In my early years of leading a bus ministry, when it all was new and exciting as well as frustrating…cgpkidsSeptember 7, 2016
Boletines InformativosMissionsOutreach Haciendo la Coneccion en la Comunidad Imagínense que hay una puerta en lo que tiene que pasar para entrar en el Reino de Dios. Ud. pasa…cgpkidsAugust 22, 2016
Archived NewslettersMissionsOutreach Making the Community Connection Imagine that there is a door you must go through to enter the Kingdom of God. You enter that door. …cgpkidsAugust 22, 2016
Archived NewslettersMissionsOutreachParent MinistryService Kids in Poverty – What Must We Do? Over one billion children (throughout the world) are suffering from one or more forms of extreme deprivation. Viva Network We…cgpkidsFebruary 10, 2016