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Videos Training Archive

Webinars - Facebook lives - Conferences

Longevity in Children’s Ministry

Cathy Baggerly

Kids and Theology

Julia Ball

Five Measures of a Healthy CM

Nick Blevins

Teaching Kids to Serve

Michelle Brooks-Young

Children’s Ministry in the Small Church

Dr. Rick Chromey

Ministry to Children in the Altar

Lance Colkmire

A Life Without Lack ICM 2019

Kathy Creasy

How the Church Should Respond To Culture

Brian Dollar

Leading Kids Through Tough Topics

Brian Dollar

Helping Your Church Love and Serve Outreach Kids

Karrie Endecott

For Pastors: Preaching with Kids in the Room

Jenny Funderburke

The Amazing Influence of Grandparents

Larry Fowler

Involving Children in Missions

Kathy Green

Hindsight is 2020, Foresight Determine Direction

Ryan Green

Engaging Kids in Serve

Beth Guckenberger

Joining Kids on the Discipleship Journey

Joy Hensley

Hiding God’s Word In Their Hearts

Tina Houser

Instant and Free Resources

Tina Houser

Offering First Time Families A Great Experience

Dale Hudson

Passing Faith From Generation to Generation

Cindy Hunnicutt

Appreciating Your Volunteer

Sandy Knowles

Five Invitations to Become a Relational Children’s Ministry

Dan Lovaglia

The Prayer Covenant for Kids

Candy Marballi

DIY Props and Backdrops on a Shoestring Budget

Joe McCullough

Slaying the Goliaths: CM in the Smaller Church

Shaun McKinley

Leadership Trends and Transitions

Dr. Shelly Melia

Helping Kids Develop A Biblical Worldview

Melissa Minter

Shining the Light Through Special Events

Melissa Minter

Four Ways to Partner with Parents

Matt Morgan

Developing A Family Ministry

Dr. Josh Mulvihill

Children’s Church or Children in the Church

Trey Nini

The Epidemic of Bullying

Amber Payne

Ministering to Special Needs Children

Pentecost Theological Seminary

What is Discipleship?

Chris Quinn

Making Your CM New-Family Friendly

David Rausch

Tips for Large Group Teaching

David Rausch

Taming the Tech Monster

Darren Schalk

What Does the Pastor Expect from CM?

Brian Sutton

Developing a Dynamic Leadership Team

John Tasch

Teaching Like Jesus

Dr. La Vergne Tolbert

Lessons I’ve Learned from Bob the Tomato

Phil Vischer