Blogs Using Technology in Children’s Ministry I remember 20 years ago using cutting edge technology in children’s ministry. Our church had splurged and bought an expensive…Joy HensleyJuly 21, 2020
Blogs Kids Can Serve Their Local Church Love Does author Bob Goff writes, "God isn't dazzled when we go across the ocean, He is wowed when we…Joy HensleyJuly 1, 2020
Blogs Influencing The Influencers: Getting Grandparents In The Game Back in my youth ministry days, I was always a little disappointed to hear that youth workers ranked pretty low…Joy HensleyMay 18, 2020
BlogsService Kids Can Serve… God has long been in the business of using young people for the glory of His kingdom. In Genesis chapter…Joy HensleyMay 12, 2020
Blogs Come Back Stronger: Recommissioning Families As our local churches come back stronger following the COVID-19 pandemic, let's pause and consider ways to both validate…Joy HensleyMay 5, 2020
BlogsMinistry News Resuming KidMin After Covid-19 As governments begin to lessen restrictions on large group gatherings, many local congregations are developing strategies for returning to regular…Joy HensleyMay 5, 2020