Once again, this year, I am calling on our churches and members to mobilize their efforts and join us in a concentrated time, seeking God’s direction for our ministries locally, nationally, and globally.
We are seeking God for a deep encounter through prayer, and asking Him to continue to bring revival and renewal to our lives, homes, churches, and nations.
For twenty-one days, beginning January 5th, we will unite around specific daily prayer directives. These prayer guides are available at the Prayer Ministries website and on our social media to help insure our prayers are touching the most current needs.
I am also inviting you to join us January 19th for our global Night of Prayer live via simulcast. During this time, you will be able to submit requests that will be prayed for by our staff and ministry leaders, as well as those watching online.
Thank you for making plans and efforts to join me in prayer. I believe even greater things are ahead for the Church of God of Prophecy, but they will only be obtained through prayer and fasting.
Bishop Sam Clements
General Overseer
Week One Prayer Guide
Week Two Prayer Guide
Week Three Prayer Guide
Guía de oración para la primera semana
Guía de oración para la segunda semana
Guía de oración para la tercera semana
Guide de prière de la première semaine
Guide de prière de la deuxième semaine
Guide de prière de la troisième semaine
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Night of Prayer Simulcast
The 2020 Night of Prayer Simulcast is
January 19, 2020 at 7:00 PM (EST). Join us!