BlogsEasterTrending Easter: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year Easter is my favorite holiday. I love “spring time” with the flowers beginning to bloom and trees blossoming. Who doesn't…cgpkidsApril 9, 2019
Boletines InformativosEspañolTrending Involucrando a los niños en el ministerio y servicio «…Y el niño ministraba a Jehová delante del sacerdote Elí». (1 Samuel 2:11) Cuando Ana llevó a Samuel al tabernáculo…cgpkidsAugust 13, 2018
Current NewsletterLeadershipOutreachServiceTrending Engaging Children in Ministry and Service “…And the child did minister unto the Lord before Eli the priest.” (1 Samuel 2:11) When Hannah brought Samuel to…cgpkidsJuly 27, 2018
Current NewsletterOutreachTrending Reaching Children with the Good News! The Wikipedia definition of outreach is “an activity of providing services to any populations who might not otherwise have access…cgpkidsApril 26, 2018
Blogs (Español)TrendingYouth Ministry Preparando a los preadolescentes para tener éxito dentro y fuera de su grupo de jóvenes… Hablé una vez con la madre de un joven de nuestro ministerio de jóvenes que hizo una declaración que me…cgpkidsApril 3, 2018
BlogsTrendingYouth Ministry Preparing Preteens to Thrive in Youth Group and Beyond… I once spoke with the parent of a student in our youth ministry who made a statement that has helped…cgpkidsApril 3, 2018