White Wing Messenger to Transition

to Fully Digital, Free Publication

On August 11, 2023, the Corporate Board of the Church of God of Prophecy International Offices announced the launch of a new online platform to deliver the White Wing Messenger, the church’s official publication, fully digital by May 2024. The move makes the magazine immediately accessible, at no charge, to constituents globally in English, Spanish, and French—with plans to expand to additional languages in the coming year. 

“As the Corporate Board began to dialogue with the Communications staff of the International Offices and discern the future for our much-loved magazine, we began to envision the limitless possibilities that a fully integrated online magazine provides,” said Presiding Bishop Tim Coalter. He continued, “This step will position the magazine for a more prosperous future and broaden the audience of those who will benefit from the inspirational content and news the magazine reports every month.”

The White Wing Messenger was first published on September 15, 1923, at the direction of the first general overseer of the church, A.J. Tomlinson, and a council that had gathered to advise him. In their initial meeting, a gentleman reported “When I was praying this morning, I saw a vision which showed me the name of the paper in the most beautiful form that I had ever seen. The name appeared in arched form, the White Wing Messenger.” One hundred years later, the magazine has expanded into three primary languages, with versions having been made available in Telegu (India), Indonesian, Zulu, Afrikaans, and Arabic.

Managing editor Marsha Robinson said, “The White Wing Messenger staff and I are anticipating this new day of greater fellowship and connection with the global Church of God of Prophecy with joy. My heart and efforts have been to find new ways to include those for whom receiving the printed magazine was not possible. A.J. Tomlinson was a visionary. If he were the editor today, I believe he would use every innovative method at his disposal to assure that each member had access to the White Wing Messenger. We are doing that. To God be the glory.” 

As the magazine transitions to its digital platform, print subscriptions will cease in May 2024. Current subscribers were notified of this transition in correspondence sent earlier this month. The letter cited increases in printing and postage costs, associated with supply chain issues and inflation, resulting in significant revenue shortfalls for the magazine in recent years. While the move to a digital format will result in savings of more than $1.6 million over the next ten years, this step is anticipated to provide a greater opportunity to fulfill the magazine’s purpose to promote the Gospel of Jesus; represent, explain, and connect the Church with its mission; and to give a forum for leaders to express and share their gifts.

The digital platform for the White Wing Messenger may be accessed by visiting cogop.org.