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Giving Children a Biblical Worldview

When my husband Scott was a little boy, he lived within view of the beautiful Appalachian Mountain Range in Georgia, where we still live today. In the spring, those mountains are bursting with green trees. During his second grade year in school, the eye doctor discovered that Scott desperately needed glasses. When Scott put on his new glasses, he could see clearly for the first time. As he was leaving the doctor’s office, which faced the mountains, he suddenly asked his mom, “Did you know those mountains have trees on them?” All of his life, he had only seen an outline of the real thing. He needed his glasses to have a clear view.

We all view this world through a certain set of glasses. Unfortunately, Satan would like to give our children a set of glasses that distorts God’s perfect truth. We want our children to see the world through the perfect lens of God’s Word. Giving our children a biblical worldview is simply giving them the right glasses with which to view the world.

A biblical worldview sees God as the author and sustainer of all things. Everything exists for him and by him. It also believes that God’s Word is inerrant and is the source of all truth. When we look at the world through the lens of a biblical worldview, we compare everything we learn, hear, read, and watch with God’s word. We make decisions based on God’s wisdom and not the world’s. (Christina Fox,

At this point in history, the truth of God’s Word is under attack. The enemy has begun a systematic attack to teach our children that there is no absolute truth; there is no right or wrong; everyone should simply do what feels good to him. We must help our children develop a biblical worldview to be able to recognize these lies and combat them with the TRUTH!

Ideas You Can Use


Mother reading the Bible to young son over a black background

Teach Children God’s Word

The only way children will be able to identify the lies of Satan is if they know the truths of the Bible.  They spot a false gospel by knowing the real thing.

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Archeological dig site. Ancient Olympia, Greece. Unesco world heritage.

Include Apologetics in Your Ministries

Teaching apologetics to children simply means that you are helping them to know the reasons for their beliefs as Christians. While it is true that ultimately our belief in Christ comes because of faith, there are many facts that can help children defend that faith with they encounter those who do not believe in the Bible.

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A man ponders the Big Question with words in a thought cloud

Big Questions Box

Create a box for your ministry called the “Big Questions Box.” Encourage children to submit questions they have about God, the Bible, and life.

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Take Our Quiz Concept

The Worldview Quiz

Do you have a biblical worldview?  Take our quiz to help you plan your ministry to children.

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Connect Bible

Connect the Bible To Real Life

Children begin to struggle with their worldview when the realities of life seem to contradict what they have been taught in church. We need to teach and model a real gospel for children.

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Organic tomatoes in a strainer

Object Lesson: What is a worldview?

It is important that children understand what it means to have a biblical worldview.  Use this object lesson to help them recognize a biblical worldview and how to apply it to their lives.

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Click here for a list of biblical worldview resources

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